connection… and your teen want it!

If you want MORE CONNECTION with your Teen….. I have a program for YOU!!

I am excited to offer my new program called The Connected Parent. This program is my labor of love that I know Parents of Teens are in desperate NEED of!

It’s time to stop bickering and nagging and start having MORE unique, special moments and connections with your teen.

Your teen wants it, you want it!  It is time to gain the support to help you create this for the both of you!

Even though your teen would rather be left alone, on their phone more often than not, and appears to be ignoring you every time you try to communicate to them………deep down they want to be seen and heard by YOU.  

I am here to help you gain a relationship with your teen like you never experienced before.  

This is for parents that desperately want to reconnect with their teen.  If you feel you are consistently talking AT THEM and not talking with them and you feel more frustrated and annoyed with your teen rather than being able to enjoy your teen……then take action now!  

If you are craving a relationship with your teen…I am here to tell you that not only is it possible, but it is so worth it. Enjoying the human you raised is the best feeling in the world.

The Connected Parent Program is designed to support your parenting journey for ONE WHOLE YEAR!

Think of this as having a mentor/coach for 1 year!  Someone that can help you dissect conversations with your teens and help navigate the relationship you desire with your teen. 

How will a coach help you connect better with your teen?  Here is how!

  • Teach tools and kick some knowledge

  • Provide guidance and challenge you when needed

  • Help with motivation

  • Hold you accountable for the goals you set for yourself to be a more connected parent

  • Help you exceed your comfort zone

  • Help make your desired connection your reality

  • Provide unbiased opinions

  • Get “there” faster

This program will keep you accountable with reaching your goal of connection!

Program details:

You receive unlimited 15 minute focused coaching sessions for ONE WHOLE YEAR!!

You receive an initial 30 minute strategy session to create your connection goals

Every 90 days, you receive a 30 minute coaching session for a status check

With each coaching call, you will receive a connected parent assignment

You will gain tools and parenting knowledge throughout the program.  This is a time for you to invest in yourself to help you build the connection you want with your teen.  

Who this program is for:

If you want to make an impact NOW on your relationship with your teen and are willing to make the investment in yourself.

You are committed to taking action.

You are serious about getting results.

You want to get results now.

Who it is not for:

Who are afraid to make a decision, to take action, and are just information collectors.

Who are not serious about building a better relationship with themselves and their teens in the next 12 months.

Parents who like bouncing around to the next shiny object.

I am keeping this program extremely affordable so I can help as many parent/teen relationships as possible! 

Let me know if this sounds like a HELL YEAH!  If so, let's get started NOW!

 Much love and connection,



we all need community!


the connected parent