inspiring your teen by building your legacy
The word legacy has been showing up for me. Maybe because a dear one recently passed away and her legacy is astonishing to me. Also related, the start of the school year and the convocation speeches all had to do with leaving your mark on this world. One of the speeches talked about how we all have superpowers and we need to discover how they can be used for the greater good.
These past few days I have been quietly reflecting on what legacy I want to leave. Asking myself, how do I want to show up in this world? Who do I want to be?
I think we all have these questions no matter how old we are.
And I realized, this is exactly what are teens are trying to figure out. They want to make an impact. They want to take action in a way that brings them joy. They are trying to figure out what their goals are (not their parent’s goals for them). They want to figure out what inspires them, what lights them up, what challenges them, what excites them!
As parents, teens need us more than ever to be an example of what is possible. What I mean is: Start discovering or re-discovering what excites you, what inspires you, what lights you up…AND START DOING IT.
TAKE one step forward, one action step, and keep going.
Our teens need to see what this looks like and what better way to see it by watching you go after it!
Rather than telling them what to pursue or how to pursue it, SHOW THEM what it looks like! Be the legacy for them. Show them how it is done. Your teen will be inspired by your actions!
I vow to build upon my legacy each and every day. I want to be a kind, loving human. When I talk with people I want them to feel seen and heard. I want it to be known my spiritual life is a priority and this is where I find my strength and my light. I want my kids, husband, and family to know that they bring me so much love and joy. I am on a mission to inspire thousands of teens to look within and discover how unlimited they are. My dream is to continue to build a company for teens by teens. I envision them being the creative force to build a company that serves this age group.
And I believe, me going after my desires will only inspire my own teens and the teens I serve to go after theirs.
Be the EXAMPLE!!
If you or your teen are ready to build your legacy and want support. Reach out and let’s get started!