our teens future

I coach teens to focus on what is working rather than what is not working!   

We look at what interests them and what brings them JOY!

Teens are more stressed and anxious than any other generation.  The daily pressures of school, athletics, and extracurricular activities leaves them no time to find what they truly enjoy!   

Most of us guide our teens on what is best for them.  We seem to feel we know what they are good at, and what they should accomplish, and how to go about it.  We have them on track for a very successful life.  And a successful life may look a bit different then what we had planned. 

We forget sometimes that our teens have their own unique gifts and strengths that they need to discover and nurture.   Perhaps our hopes and dreams for them get in their way.  This of course is not on purpose, but I think we need to check within ourselves and really understand what is behind our motivation.  If you are anything like me,  we want our teens to be happy and healthy!  

It may be time to honor and value our teens' creativity, and ideas on what interests them.  You may think your teen does not have a clue on what interests them, and for some that may be true.  It is time to encourage them to find something they enjoy.  What topics may they like to research?  If they had to volunteer to do something, what would they want to do?….mentor children, help pets, support the older generations in some way, be outdoors, babysit, coach a sport, teach an instrument, help out in the school play, etc. There are plenty of things to try.  The key is to start small and if it brings you joy, then do it again!  

In time, you can turn the activities you love into a successful business if you so desire. There are plenty of people that have done so.  

Follow Joy and you will be led!  

Perhaps, this is not just for your teen.  Maybe it is time to discover your interests.  Maybe it is time for you to be an example and find out what lights you UP!  I can guarantee joy will follow! 

If you or your teen are ready to discover what lights you up and need support going after it! I am here for YOU!  Let’s get coaching!  No need to waste another minute. Let’s connect!


teens are risk takers


i am fine (not)