revive your relationship with your teen

Our relationships with our kids evolve over the years.  Now that they are teens, you may feel a bit separated or disconnected from them. They seem to talk with their friends all day and then behind closed doors all night.  You ask them how school was, they answer “fine.”  

What did you do today?  They respond “nothing” 

There are multiple barriers for connection and conversation with your teen.   


Renewed attention is needed on how we interact and how often we interact.  We need to bring our relationship back to life.   Create some quiet time to reflect on:

What do I want our relationship to be during this next stage of our lives?  

How do I want to show up as their parent?  

Who do I want to become to be the parent I really want to be for my teens?   

If you are ready for a Revived Relationship with your teen, then of course it starts with YOU!  You get to choose and then act.  You get to decide how you are going to show up and how you are going to do it different.  

Our life can no longer be passive if we want something to change.  It is time to take control of what we desire and take intentional action towards it.  

For example, if you desire open communication or you want to spend more quality time, here are some powerful questions to ask yourself.  Pull out your journal to discover how you want to revive your relationship with your teen.  

  1. What does this look like?  Take time to visualize what this looks and feels like with your teen.

  2. How will you know when you have it?

  3. What do you need to do to create it?

Once you know what it looks and feels like, NOW you take action.  

Come up with intentional actions to start creating the reality you want.  If you want a new revived relationship, taking action is the only way to get you there.  

Discover what your teens love to do and do it with them.  If they love softball, have a catch!  If they love to read, head to the book store together.  If they are a foodie, try a different place to eat each week.  The possibilities are endless to create time with your teen!

Take the steps!  Your teens is looking at you as an example. They want connection with you too! Your teen wants to be seen and heard. They want to connect with you on a deep level.  They want to know you, they want to love you, they want to see and hear you!  

They want it!  So Go For It!

I want to offer you support if you want to find ways to connect with your teen.  Connect with me so we can work 1:1 together.


holding space


comfort zone